PT Elliott

Art, Nature, Engineering, & Making shit up as I go

The juxtoposition and combination of these interests relaxes me, opens my mind to new possibilities, and keeps me sane.

I have created many things with 3D printing. However, below I am showcasing things that I both designed and printed. Some simple, others more complex. All however, were created to solve a problem.

I print mostly in PLA, for the best results with my printer; which is a Monoprice Select Mini v2.

Backup Camera

Designed a magnetic camera enclosure to provide a zero-drill solution for ease of installation.

Printer Mods

Designed and built a more accessible LCD and control knob enclosure for my printer.

Drain Extension

Needed to design and fabricate a fitting for our shower to raise the level of the drain to sit flush with the tile.

Settlers Game

Snap-tegether variation on Settlers of Catan that could be easily played in moving vehicles.

Shelf Brackets

Whipped up a couple of brackets to create a shelf nect to our front door.
Simple, but functional.

When I have the time and energy, I love to experiment with food. Here is an example of one that I made up as I was going:

In addition to three-dimensional making, I also enjoy letting my imagination run wild through other mediums.

I have, and always will, love art.

Concept Art

Created concept art for a fantasy novel I want to write. I am in the process of writing/drawing out the backstory.


These are a few examples of logos that I have designed for others.

Coloring Pages

I created these for friends who had kids to keep busy during quarantine.